IELTS Speaking Part II

How to Use This List

  1. Decide the anecdote or personal story you’ll tell for each of the 40+ questions. Write the ‘who, what, where, when, why, how long, how many, how often’ details next to each prompt.  Notice that you can use the same story (often about a person or a trip or an experience) for many different prompts. It is worth noticing which stories you can recycle for a variety of questions, and prepare them in detail.
  2. Write four or five sentences for each question in Part 2.  Use past, present and future tenses, including conditionals. Use the 3Ds; go deep, describe small things and give details. Doing this will push you to use your best vocabulary.

Table of Contents

  1. Describe a long car journey
  2. Describe a foreign country you want to visit
  3. Describe a useful thing you once borrowed
  4. Describe something you would do on a day off
  5. Describe an important conversation that influenced you
  6. Describe an art or craft activity that you did at school
  7. Describe a time someone or something made noise
  8. Describe a situation where you waited for something
  9. Describe a law about the environment you would like to see in the future
  10. Describe a long walk you had
  11. Describe a person who likes to travel by plane
  12. Describe a street that you like to visit
  13. Describe a success in your life
  14. Describe a person whose job is important to society
  15. Describe a health-related article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet
  16. Describe a song or piece of music that means something special to you
  17. Describe a person in the news that you want to meet
  18. Describe a time that you forgot something important
  19. Describe a recent happy event that you had
  20. Describe a place near water (such as a river, lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting
  21. Describe a special trip you would like to take in the future
  22. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
  23. Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you
  24. Describe a time that you used a foreign language to communicate
  25. Describe an interesting story from a TV program
  26. Describe a movie you want to watch in the cinema or at home
  27. Describe a good friend
  28. Describe a product you bought and felt happy about
  29. Describe a difficult decision that you made
  30. Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone
  31. Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future
  32. Describe a special festival in your culture/country
  33. Describe a toy that you received when you were a child
  34. Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future
  35. Describe a family (not your own) that you know of
  36. Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time
  37. Describe a person a time someone apologized to you
  38. Describe an interesting animal
  39. Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you
  40. Describe a family member that you are close to
  41. Describe an older person you admire
  42. Describe a positive feature of your character.

1.Describe a long car journey you went on

  • Where did you go?
  • When was it?
  • Who did you go with?
  • Explain why you took this journey.

2. Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to

  • Where is this country?
  • What it is like?
  • What can do in this country?
  • Explain why you want to visit this country.

3. Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed

  • What did you borrow?
  • Who lent this thing to you?
  • When did you borrow it?
  • Explain why you think it is useful.

4. Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off

  • What would you like to do?
  • Who would you like to be with?
  • Where would you go?
  • Say how you feel when you have a day off.  

5. Describe an important conversation that influenced you

  • When did this happen?
  • Who you were talking to?
  • What did you talk about?
  • Say how this conversation influenced you.

6. Describe an art or craft activity that you did at school

  • When did this happen?
  • What did you make?
  • Who took part?
  • Explain how you felt about this activity.

7. Describe a time someone or something made noise

  • When did this happen?
  • Who was it? / What was it?
  • Where did was it?
  • Explain what you did when you heard the noise.

8. Describe a situation where you waited for something

  • Where was this situation?
  • When was it?
  • Who were you with?
  • Explain why you had to wait.

9. Describe a law about the environment you would like to see in the future

  • What will this law be about?
  • When should this law take effect?
  • Why is this law important?
  • Explain changes would happen because of this law.

10. Describe a long walk you had

  • When did this happen?
  • Where did you walk?
  • Who were you with?
  • Explain how you felt about the walk.

11. Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

  • Who is this person?
  • How do you know this person?
  • Where does this person travel to?
  • Explain why this person likes to travel by plane.

 12. Describe a street that you like to visit

  • Where is it?
  • How often you go there?
  • What do you like to do there?
  • Explain why you like it.

13. Describe a success in your life

  • When and where did this happen?
  • Were you with anyone? / Who was there?
  • What did you do?
  • Explain how you felt about this success.

14. Describe a person whose job is important to society

  • Who is this person?
  • What job does he or she have?
  • How you know this person?
  • Explain why his or her job is important.

15. Describe a health-related article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet

  • What was this article about?
  • In which magazine did you read it? Which site?
  • When did you read it?
  • Explain why you liked the article.

16. Describe a song or piece of music that means something special to you

  • What is this song about?
  • When did you listen to this song for the first time?
  • How often do you listen to the song?
  • Explain why this song is special to you.

17. Describe a person in the news that you want to meet

  • Who is he or she?
  • Where is this person from?
  • How do you know of this person?
  • Explain why you want to meet him.

18. Describe a time that you forgot something important

  • When did this happen?
  • What did you forget?
  • Who were you with?
  • Why did you forget?

19. Describe a recent happy event that you had

  • When did this even occur?
  • What was the event?
  • Who was with you?
  • Explain why you feel happy about it.

20. Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting

  • Where was this place?
  • What did you do at this place?
  • Who went there with you?
  • Explain why you liked this place.

21. Describe a special trip you would like to take in the future.

  • Where is this place?
  • Who would you like to go with?
  • What would you do there?
  • Explain why this would be a special trip.

22. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution

  • Where is it?
  • When did you visit this place?
  • What kind of pollution did you see there?
  • Explain how this place was affected.

23. Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you

  • What was the news about?
  • Where did you see or hear about the news?
  • When did you see or hear this news?
  • Explain why it was interesting.

24. Describe a time that you used a foreign language to communicate

  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Who did you talk to?
  • Explain how you felt about the conversation.

25. Describe an interesting story from a TV program

  • What was it?
  • When did you watch it?
  • Who did you watch it with?
  • Explain why it was interesting.

26. Describe a movie you want to watch in the cinema or at home

  • When you want to watch this movie?
  • Who would you want to watch it with?
  • What the movie is about?
  • Explain why you want to watch this movie.

27. Describe a good friend

  • Who is this person?
  • How did you become friends with this person?
  • What kinds of things you like to do with this person?
  • Explain why he or she is a good friend.

28. Describe a product you bought and felt happy about

  • What was it?
  • Where you bought it?
  • What was it for?
  • Explain why it made you happy.

29. Describe a difficult decision that you made

  • What was the decision?
  • How did you make your decision?
  • What were the results of the decision?
  • Explain why it was difficult to make.

30. Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone

  • What was the situation?
  • Who was the person?
  • How you helped them?
  • Explain why you helped this person.

31. Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future

  • What is it?
  • How you can get this job?
  • What kind of education or experience is required?
  • Explain why you want to have this job.

32. Describe a special festival in your culture/country

  • When is this festival?
  • Who do you celebrate it with?
  • What people do during this event?
  • Explain why this festival is special.

33. Describe a toy that you received when you were a child

  • What was the toy?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • How did you use it?
  • Explain how you felt when you got this toy.

34. Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future

  • What is the goal?
  • What will you do to achieve it?
  • When will you achieve?
  • Explain why you want to achieve it.

35. Describe a family (not your own) that you know of

  • Whose family is this?
  • Where do they live?
  • Who are the family members?
  • Explain why you like this family.

36. Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time

  • What is it?
  • How would you learn it?
  • What equipment is needed to play the sport?
  • Explain why you want to learn this sport.

37. Describe a person a time someone apologized to you

  • Who is this person?
  • What was the problem? 
  • What did person say and do?
  • Explain how you felt about the apology

38. Describe an interesting animal

  • What did it look like?
  • When did you see it?
  • Where did you see it?
  • Explain why it is interesting

39. Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you

  • What was the story or the novel?
  • Where did you first hear about it?
  • When you read it?
  • Explain how you felt about it.

40. Describe a family member that you are close to

  • Who is this person?
  • What is this person like?
  • What do you like to do with him/her?
  • Explain why you are close to this person.

41. Describe an older person you admire

  • Who is this person?
  • How do you know this person?
  • What kinds of things you like to do together?
  • How you feel about this person?

42. Describe a positive feature of your character.

  • What is it?
  • Who or what did you get this feature from?
  • Why is it positive?
  • How often or when is this feature useful to you?