What kind of learner am I?

Here are some terms — end points on some common continuums — that help us define the unique constellation of values, behaviors and preferences that inform who we are and how we learn. How has your first language, cultural identity, personality and preferences influenced your learning and acquisition of English?

Growth mindset or fixed mindset

Process-oriented or product-oriented

Introverted (energized by solitude) or Extroverted (energized by interaction)
Intuitive (connect the dots) or Sensing (hearing, seeing, touching)
Thinking (head) or Feeling (heart)
Judging (decisive) or Perceiving (open-ended)
See the Keirsey Temperment Sorter or Myers-Briggs Type Indictator

Conservative moral matrix or progressive moral matrix
See The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion
By Jonathon Haidt

Direct communication style vs an indirect communication style

Divergent thinker vs convergent thinker by Edward deBono / David Kolb

Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner

Field dependent vs field independent

Individual differences: ADHD, ADD, autism, hard of hearing

Digital native vs digital immigrant

Extrovert (energized by people) vs introvert (energized by alone time)
Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator or Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Right-brained (creative) or left-brained (methodical)

Abstract thinking vs concrete thinking

Prefer to read vs prefer to listen vs prefer to move

Prescriptive (this is how it is supposed to be) vs descriptive (this is how it actually is)

Highly-sensitive or non-sensitive

Gold vs Orange vs Green vs Blue (Personality Dimensions — the ‘ made-in-Canada’ framework for understanding personality, especially pertaining to work and professional life)

Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, Phlegmatic (The Four Humors)

Over one billion people in the world have a disability. That’s more than the populations of the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Brazil combined. A disability can affect: Vision, Movement, Thinking, Memory, Learning, Communication, Hearing, Mental health, Social relationships

“There are two kinds of people in the world; those who are believe there are only two kinds of people, and those who don’t.”